*I am holy and without blame before Him.
*I am holy and without fault in His eyes.
*I have redemption and forgiveness of sins.
*I am set free!
*I have freedom.
*I have an inheritance from God.
*I was chosen to be God's people.
*I have God's special mark.
*I am sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.
*I am God's own.
*I am alive!
*I am a new person.
*I am raised up and sitting in the heavenly places.
*I am saved.
*I am near to God.
*I have peace!
*I am a member of God's family.
*I am a member of the household of God.
*I am a dwelling place for God in the spirit.
*I am a partaker of His promise.
*I can come before God with freedom and without fear.
*I can come fearlessly into God's presence.
*I have a spiritual renewal of my thoughts and attitudes.
*I am renewed in the spirit of my mind.
*I am a new person, created in God's likeness- righteous, holy, and pure
*I am light.
*I have light.
*I am pure and without fault.
*I am holy and clean, without spot or wrinkle or any blemish.
*I am holy and without fault.
*I am a member of His body.
And you are too! Farrell Fisher encouraged me to do this study to combat the lies of the enemy about myself that I have been listening to. It is very enlightening and exciting. Now I just have to start believing the truths I have in Christ. Why is it so much easier to believe the lies?
Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing these promises of our Father. I know that I need to remind myself what an awesome God we serve because I can really miss the mark when I buy into the lies of the enemy. Most of the time, for me, its not an outright lie its more of a twist of the truth that I fall for. Thankfully God never leaves us and he never gets so fed up with us and our circumstances that we out of his covernig.
This was a great suggestion from Ferrell - I am so glad for you!
Thanks for the reminder...I have a hard time believing all that, too, sometimes.
Love you,
I have come to understand lately that the word of God is alive and when God speaks it is not simply empty words but creative, moving action. God made the world by simply speaking. If we continue to read the living word of God it will move in us and create in us a drastic change. I know this is nothing new, but it is strong in me now. Reading the word is not something I need to check off my list it is something that will create me ti be new in thought and action, closer to that of Christ and I will live a more fulfilled life. If you continue to press in, you will believe the TRUTH and not the lies.
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