I just ordered a colon cleanse for myself and Owen! I was looking up chronic fatigue syndrome and came across this website for DrNatura's Colonix program. I got the program and the Flora Protect Probiotics to help replace the good bacteria. Some of the things I saw on that website were very disturbing and I am afraid to see what comes out of me. They have a 30-day money back guarantee, so I thought it was worth a try. One of the big things the people profess is "so much energy"! They also talk of cleared skin, improved asthma, weight loss, better sleep, improved breath...
I am just so sick of feeling poorly. I try to take care of myself, but really rarely feel great. Last night on the news they said mono is going around so I thought maybe I have mono. When researching chronic fatigue I have about 75+% of the symptoms for that too. So, the conclusion is that I am going to get to the bottom of these problems and instead of starting with the doctors, which is what I was about to do, I decided to start this cleanse. Please pray that it works...then I will be telling you all to do it too!
I have seen this website...and was thinking of doing this myself. My pharmacist told me that this was a good thing for my condition. Maybe I'll have to try it too...but those pictures were just nasty!!!!!!!!!!
I just looked at this website and I agree, the pictures are GROSS! But, if you think you have stuff like that inside you, then I guess I would want to get rid of it immediately. I am on a colon cleanse tablet right now, but it is not doing anything like what this one professes. I may have to change. I'm convinced. I hope it works for you, Alyson, and that you start feeling better right away.
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